【直播】【T. D. Lee Colloquium】中科院高能所王贻芳院士
Quest to infinity — Challenges and Opportunities for China
王贻芳 院士(中科院高能所)
蔻享学术直播间 |
WANG Yifang successfully led the design and construction of the BESIII detector at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider(BEPC), and the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, which precisely measured the neutrino mixing angle theta13. He is now leading the JUNO experiment to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy using reactor neutrinos. He proposed the idea of the Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) as a possible future step for particle physics. Before that, he worked for L3, AMS, Palo Verde and KamLAND experiments.
For his outstanding contribution to particle physics, he was awarded the Zhou Guangzhao Fundamental physics prize, the Ho Leung Ho Lee (HLHL) Foundation Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the W.K.H. Panofsky Prize for experimental particle physics, the Nikkei Asia Prize, the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, the Pontecorvo Prize and the Future Science Prize. He received two Honorary Doctor Degrees from the Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany. He was also awarded the medal of the Commander of the Republic of Italy.
The quest to infinitely small and infinitely large have always been a driving force of Science in the last hundreds of years. Unfortunately such a marvelous story of success has almost no players from China. Starting from the establishment of Standard Model, I will review current status and future plan of particle and astro-particle physics in the world, and illustrate challenges and opportunities for China in the coming decades.推荐阅读
【视频】中国科学院院士王贻芳:探索无穷 -- 物质结构与宇宙>>
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